This continues to be a lonely road, but each step is hopefully getting me closer to something worthwhile. If others are doing the 2018 weekly challenges, they don't appear to be using the #52WIC hashtag. The theme for Week 11 was Stamp, so I included both the stamps you put on envelopes and the a stamp that requires ink. For Week 12 the theme was Zoom. Sometimes when you zoom, everything goes right. Other times when you go zoom, you end up like this: Do you remember Igerrom? Well, when he heard that the theme for Week 12 was Tea Party, he just had to invite himself. He's always trying to start a tea party and get people interested in his favourite beverage. Week 14's theme was Geometric. So let's make some lovely circular arcs together with this waltzing compass. Letterboxes was the theme for Week 15. With this one I went digital and enlisted the help of a robo-postman - who seems to be in a hurry. My family are all engineers, computer geeks, teachers, number crunchers or fascinated by personal medical histories, (there is an aunt with a creative gene but her work is offline and hand-crafted - pottery, folk-art, dolls and teddy-bears).
This means I have none of the regular pathways to connections with art directors and creative studios. So if you know of anyone like that seeking the work of someone like me, please invite them to contact me.
Sometimes time gets away, and now I realise that I haven't updated the 2018 Weekly Illustration Challenges #52WIC for a while. (I'm almost about to start work on Week 15's challenge). For Week 6 the theme was Map, and I chose a limited colour palette for it. The theme for Week 7 was Eerie, although maybe this one verges on spooky as well. With Week 8 the theme was Ice Age, and I really tried to come up with something that didn't reference the movies, but failed. However it does include asteroid showers. The theme for Week 9 was Escape, and yes there is some inspiration from Alcatraz in this image. Hide and Seek was the theme for Week 10. For this one I went with the classic 'Hide and Seek' story of detective and perpetrator that fuels so many books. movies and TV shows. And on the good news front....
My book has finally got to proof copy stage. Yay! The next step is finding as many of the errors as possible that somehow made it through, correcting them, and then getting another proof copy. |
News and Other StuffAbout recent artwork, inspirations and other things I find interesting. Archives
August 2024