2020 Artwork
A visual overview of all of my major artworks from 2020, with links to my relevant blogposts to learn more about that particular artwork.
31 Jan 2020
Bishop Stumbers: Pro–Life March 2020, USA: Shepherding Aussies The main priorities (after the March itself, of course) are: 1) where have my charges gone; and 2) where's the nearest coffee shop with good coffee. Read Blog post |
7 Feb 2020
Bishop Stumbers: Mitres in Space Bishop Stumbers taking the Lord's command to go "to the end of the earth" (Acts 1:8b) a bit far, and losing his emergency supply of mitres in the process. |
20 Feb 2020
Frog Fishing, Swamp House Possibly inspired by a few too many Hayao Miyazaki video essays. The frog himself is a recall to previous amphibian character of mine. (The visible Banding is due to image file compression.) |
26 Feb 2020
Bishop Stumbers: Bishop Kitty – Lent 2020 All good kitties trying to give up something important and meaningful for Lent. |
24 Apr 2020
ANZAC 2020 Ballpoint and felt–tip ink pen drawinging. |
10 Jun 2020
Red Fishing Boat at Wharf — Digital Sketch Giving a bit more life to the Red Fishing Boat by putting it in a waterborne setting. See Blog Post |
7 Aug 2020
Bishop Stumbers: Decoding Stumbers The finished combination of my attempt at telling a Bishop Stumbers comic tale on social media. Suffice it to say, I scuppered any chances for the individual rows to gain much recognition on their own because I didn't release them a week apart. I foolishly went for the one-a-day approach. So most people only really saw the full 4-part comic all compressed together rather than have seen the smaller details in the single-panel social media posts. You live and learn, and I certainly did with this endeavour. See Blog Post |
24 Aug 2020
Father's Day 2020 (Australia) Digital illustration. |
3 Sep 2020
Pizza–Rat, Magazine Cover IllusDept Mentorship, Assignment #01: Create a faux New Yorker Magazine cover; note the date (top right). The squirrel on the bottom right is a reference to another social media star of New York City: Milkshake Squirrel. Read Blog Post |
19 Sep 2020
Lazy Possum: Go Fish (Percy Possum #1) IllusDept Mentorship, Assignment #02 |
1 – 31 Oct 2020
#CATHOLinktober Challenge on Instagram See my #CATHOLinktober Page for the full 31 Days and all of the images in detail. |
1 – 19 Oct 2020
Humility Before God IllusDept Mentorship, Assignment #03 Imitating / using for reference the art style of Hal Foster as seen in his Prince Valiant comic strip. |
1 – 19 Oct 2020
Bishop Stumbers: Rock Climbing IllusDept Mentorship, Assignment #04 |
30 Oct – 2 Nov 2020
Bishop Stumbers: Cooking Show — Fail For me personally, this was a failure. Because the concept as implemented failed to be a good cartoon. I was putting myself under an unreasonable amount of pressure to show off a finished image for the last Illustration Department Mentorship session, and it shows. My original idea to begin with was okay, it was not taking the necessary steps to further refine the delivery that (ahem) spoilt the final product. |